Components of Population

Components of Population

* Components of population change are births and deaths, immigrants and emigrants.
Fertility and Mortality
* Fertility is the number of live births in a defined population. It is calculated using two main indices:
o Crude Birth rate (CBR): the total number of live births / the total population x 100
o Total Fertility Rate (TFR): the total number of live births / women of childbearing age(15-49) x 100
* Mortality is the number of deaths in a defined population. It is calculated using two main indices:
o Crude Death Rate (CDR): the total number of deaths / the total population x 100
o Infant Mortality Rate (IMR): the number of infant eaths / the number of live births x 1000

Factors affecting fertility

1. Religion: most major religions favour family development so very religious populations have a high fertility.
2. Social customs and taboos, eg as regards contraception
3. Education. There is an inverse relationship between education level and the number of children .

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