gk practise paper 14

1. Capable of catching fire or combustible

2. An impression which cannot be easily removed.

3. That which is contrary to law.

4. A thing which cannot be moved.

5. That which cannot be heard

6. That which cannot be seen

7. That which is not to the point

8. One who is quick to anger.

9. That which cannot be conquered.

10. That cannot be separated

11. That cannot be dissolved

12. That which cannot be cured

13. That which cannot be repaired

14. That which cannot be solved

15. A house for dog

16, A school for infants and young children

17. To carry away a person forcibly

18. A place where experiments are conducted

19. A place where clothes are washed or ironed

20. The resting place for a wild animal

21. A thing or act which is based on law

22. A place containing books for or reference

23. One who knows many languages

24. A speech made for the first time

25. Animals that suckle their young ones


1. Inflammable

2. Indelible

3. Illegal

4. Immovable

5. Inaudible

6. Invisible

7. Irrelevant

8. Irritable

9. Invincible

10. Inseparable

11. Insoluble

12. Incurable

13. Irreparable

14. Insoluble

15. Kennel

16, Kindergarten

17. Kidnap

18. Laboratory

19. Laundry

20. Lair

21. Legal

22. Library

23. Linguist

24. Maiden speech

25. Mammals

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