gk practise paper 18


Q:1 Accession of Queen Victoria to the throne of England. 1837

Q:2 Introduction of penny postage in England by sir Ronald hill. Aden annexed by
England . 1839

Q:3 American civil war started . Abraham Lincoln elected 16th president of U.S.A. 1861

Q:4 Slavery abolished in America. 1863

Q:5 Abraham Lincoln elected president of America for second term; Lincoln

Q:6 Suez canal opened for traffic . 1869

Q:7 Formation of the Indian national congress. 1885

Q:8 X-Ray discovered by roentgen. 1895

Q:9 Marconi invented wireless. 1896

Q:10 Establishment of the Chinese Republic. 1912

Q:11 The league of nations founded on January 10 . 1919

Q:12 Lenin died & power passed into the hands of Stalin in Russia 1924

Q:13 Hitler became the chancellor of Germany . 1933

Q:14 World war II. 1939-45

Q:15 Atom bomb dropped Hiroshima (6th August ) and Nagasaki (9th August ) .1945

Q:16 Burma (4th January ) & Ceylon (6th February) achieved Independence .1948

Q:17 Artificial earth satellites ( Sputnik 1&11 ) launched by Russia . 1957

Q:18 Russia launched the first women. Valentine Tereshkova.Into space (16th June).1963

Q:19 Lunik 1X lands on moon ( 3rd February ). Treaty of India & Pakistan 1966

Q:20 Mrs. Benazir Bhutto becomes first woman prime minister of Pakistan .1988

Q:21 World trade organization ( W TO ) comes into existence .1995

Q:22 Atlanta Olympic , Kofi Annan as new General Secretary1996

Q-23 NASE space – craft Path – finder landed1997

Q-24 The Birth of Euro currencies 1998

Q-25 NATO forces launch attack on Yugoslavia 1999

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