gk practise paper 39

1. One who is fit to be elected

2. To root out an evil or disease

3. A speech made without preparation

4. Free from all blames

5. Person in habit of wasting money

6. That which causes death

7. One who believes in fate

8. A child nursed or brought up by one who is not its parent

9. One who is well versed in the science of female ailments

10. Animal which like to live in flocks.

11. A place for housing motor-cars

12. Animals living on plants.

13. The killing of one man by another man

14. A place for housing aeroplanes.

15. One who entertains his guests

16. That which is contrary to law.

17. That which can not be divided

18. That which does not apply to the matter in hand

19. Murder or murderer of an infant

20. That which cannot be conceived

21. A handwriting which cannot be easily read

22. That which is not capable of or fit for being elected or adopted

23. One who is unable to read & write

24. That which cannot be heard

25. That which cannot be believed
1. Eligible

2. Eradicate

3. Extempore

4. Exonerate

5. Extravagant

6. Fatal

7. Fatalist

8. Foster

9. Gynecologist

10. Gregarious

11. Garage

12. Herbivorous

13. Homicide

14. Hanger

15. Hospitable

16. Illegal

17. Indivisible

18. Irrelevant

19. Infanticide

20. Inconceivable

21. Illegible

22. Ineligible

23. Illiterate

24. Inaudible

25. Incredible

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